Ludi Plautini Sarsinates IV. Characters on Stage: "The Senex" - 24/10/2020, Sarsina (Italy
Cicero Digitalis. Cicero and Roman thought in the age of Digital Humanities - 25-26/02/2021,(Online)
ASOR Annual Meeting 2020 - 18-19-20-21/11/2020, Boston (MA, USA)
Conference in Classics & Ancient History -22-23-24-25/06/2021, Coimbra (Portugal)
IV Jornadas Internacionales "MediterráneoS" 2020 - 14-15-16/10/2020, Madrid (Spain)
Sapiens Ubique Civis VIII (2020) -02-03-04/09/2020, Szeged (Hungary)
Greek – Latin – Slavic: Aspects of Linguistics and Grammatography - 17-18-19/06/2020, Bratislava (Sl
Convegno Terra, legno e materiali deperibili nell’architettura antica -28-29-30/05/2020, Padova (Ita
Italy Before History: New Research and New Perspectives on Iron Age Italy -04/04/2020, Cambridge (En
ASOR Annual Meeting 2020 - 18-19-20-21/11/2020, Boston (MA, USA)