Sixth Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Heritage of Western Greece with special emphasis on Arete -
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Sixth Interdisciplinary Symposium on the Heritage of Western Greece with special emphasis on ἀρετή aretē: virtue,...
Torre de Babel: alteridade e estereótipos -24-25/09/2020, Aveiro (Portugal)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS O Congresso Internacional “Torre de Babel: alteridade e estereótipos” terá lugar na Universidade de Aveiro...
Tablet and Verse: Curses and Curse Poetry in Antiquity - 21-22/02/2020, Tallahassee (FL,USA)
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 21-22/02/2020 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Turnbull Conference Center, Florida State University, Tallahassee (FL, USA)...
The 14th Melammu Symposium: “Contextualizing Iranian Religions in the Ancient World” - 18-19-20/02/2
The Pourdavoud Center for the Study of the Iranian World is convening the 14th Melammu Symposium at UCLA. The international three-day...
"Siste et Lege". La escritura expuesta en las sociedades de la Italia antigua (ss.III-I a.
Durante los siglos III y I a. C. se produce en la Península Itálica un incipiente desarrollo de la epigrafía monumental. En ella se da...
The Ancient Near East. Cultures in Contact (9th Annual Postgraduate Conference in Assyriology) -17-
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The organisers of the 9th annual Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Assyriology are excited to announce that the...
Conversation and Dialogue in Latin (21st ICLL 2021) -24-25-26-27-28/05/2021, Santiago de Compostela
go to CALL FOR PAPERS 1 We are pleased to announce that the 21st International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (ICLL 2021) will be held...
The Case for Critical Ancient World Studies -15/04/2020, Oxford (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The conference is concerned both with the necessity for and the possible applications of 'Critical Ancient World...
Después de Mantinea. El mundo griego y oriente ante el ascenso de Macedonia (Workshop Internacional
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 16-17/04/2020 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Rectorado de la Universidad de Málaga (Málaga, Spain) ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZ...
Lost in connection. Connectivity in time of transformations -29-30/10/2020, Napoli (Italy)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA/DATE/DATA: 29-30/10/2020 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Naples (Napoli, Italy)...