24th Anniversary Symposium "Examining Epochs of Enduring Import: Perspectives on the Near and M
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 16/03/2020 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Hart House, University of Toronto (Toronto, Canada) ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATOR...
Between the Words: Magic, Miracles and Mysticism (BEW 2020) - 29-30-31/10/2020, Sofia (Bulgaria)
After the first successful conference of the “Between the Worlds“ (BEW) series, the Balkan Ethnology Department at IEFSEM – BAS is...
Languages & Cultures in Contact in the Ancient Mediterranean - 27-28/02/2020, Verona (Italy)
Circulations animales et zoogéographie en Méditerranée occidentale, Xe – Ier s. av. J.-C. - 20-21-22
Un coq à Paestum : la présence de cet oiseau semble une évidence dans notre faune domestique. Il paraît toujours avoir été présent et sa...
7th Annual Lancaster Archaeology Forum - 07/03/2020, Lancaster (England)
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 07/03/2020 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Lancaster University Regional Heritage Centre (Lancaster, England)...
La crise, quelle(s) crise(s) ? Nouvelles lectures politiques de la République tardive, des Gracques
Les Modernes considèrent usuellement les dernières décennies de la République romaine comme une période de crise, dont le paroxysme fut...
Proto-Indo-European Reconstruction: Problems, possibilities and new perspectives - 01-02/10/2020, Ca
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 01-02/10/2020 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Faculty of Classics, University of Cambridge (Cambridge,...
Congreso Internacional de Arte y Literatura “Diálogos en torno al libro: texto e imagen” - 28-29-30/
go to CALL FOR PAPERS “¿Pensará vuesa merced ahora que es poco trabajo hacer un libro?” Se preguntaba Cervantes por boca de un loco en el...
Toys as Cultural Artefacts in Ancient Greek and Roman Cultures: Anthropological and Material Approac
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The international conference Toys as Cultural Artefacts, organized by the ERC Locus ludi research team, invites...
10th Annual UK Punic/Phoenician Network Graduate Workshop - 22/02/2020, Dublin (Ireland)
The Annual Punic Network Graduate Workshop provides students working on Punic and Phoenician topics at Masters and Doctoral level with...