Atena e Minerva. Tra Iconografia e Letteratura - 23/24/25/10/2020, Velletri (Italy)
The Rediscovery and Reception of Gandharan Art - 24-25-26/03/2021, (Online)
Southern Italy in the Middle Ages: a Political, Cultural and Economic Centre (5th – 13th centuries)
Tra la Luce e le Tenebre Angeli e Demoni nell’Horror, nella Fantascienza e nel Fantasy- 23-24-25/07/
[POSTPONED] Departing the Polis: Travel, Travellers and Panhellenism in the extant plays and fragmen
People in Motion in the Ancient Greek World - 26-27/11/2020, Madrid (Spain)
Digitizing and Encoding Seals - 20-21/01/2020 - Venezia (Italy)
Ancient Philosophy in Austin - 06-07/03/2020, Austin (TX, USA)
Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History 2020 - 20-21/03/2020, Exeter (England)
Writing Ancient History in the Interwar Period (1918-1939) - 23-24/01/2020, Newcastle Upon Tyne (Eng