Atena e Minerva. Tra Iconografia e Letteratura - 23/24/25/10/2020, Velletri (Italy)
Due sono le finalità del presente convegno: 1) L’analisi della documentazione antica, letteraria come iconografica, delle tradizioni...
The Rediscovery and Reception of Gandharan Art - 24-25-26/03/2021, (Online)
The Gandhara Connections project aims to understand Gandharan art in its ancient contexts, fostering fresh discussion of its puzzling...
Southern Italy in the Middle Ages: a Political, Cultural and Economic Centre (5th – 13th centuries)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Abbiamo il piacere di annunciarvi il bando di partecipazione al convegno "L ' Italia Meridionale nel Medioevo: un...
Tra la Luce e le Tenebre Angeli e Demoni nell’Horror, nella Fantascienza e nel Fantasy- 23-24-25/07/
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Il seminario vuole essere un’occasione di confronto interdisciplinare sulla rappresentazione di angeli e demoni...
[POSTPONED] Departing the Polis: Travel, Travellers and Panhellenism in the extant plays and fragmen
This event concerns the theme of travel in Greek drama. Tragedy and Comedy often present their heroes as wanderers: whether that is the...
People in Motion in the Ancient Greek World - 26-27/11/2020, Madrid (Spain)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Although people in Antiquity have traditionally been thought of as deeply rooted into their homelands and reluctant...
Digitizing and Encoding Seals - 20-21/01/2020 - Venezia (Italy)
The aim of the workshop is to present and discuss solutions, currently under development, concerning an XML-based and TEI-compliant data...
Ancient Philosophy in Austin - 06-07/03/2020, Austin (TX, USA)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The Joint Program in Ancient Philosophy at the University of Texas is pleased to announce that the 43rd annual...
Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient History 2020 - 20-21/03/2020, Exeter (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS AMPAH brings together the postgraduate community in any discipline whose work relates to ancient cultures across...
Writing Ancient History in the Interwar Period (1918-1939) - 23-24/01/2020, Newcastle Upon Tyne (Eng
We aim to investigate the role played by the study of Ancient History (especially of Greece and Rome) in the construction of nationalist...