Workshop Kommunikation mit der Unterwelt / Communication with the Underworld -28-29/11/2019, Vienna
FECHA/ DATE/DATA: 28-29/11/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Universität Wien, Institut für Klassische Philologie (Vienna, Austria)...

Schemata - The city beyond its shape - 26-27-28/02/2020, Siracusa (Italy)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The analysis of urbanization in the ancient Mediterranean has traditionally been conditioned by the dichotomy...

L’Oraison funèbre et Nicole Loraux - 19/02/2020, Lyon (France)
À travers l’Europe, la célèbre oraison funèbre attribuée à Périclès est fréquemment étudiée dans les classes et dans les universités....

Il teatro delle emozioni - L'ira / The Theatre of Emotions - Wrath - 12-13-14/10/2020 (Online)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA /DATE/DATA: 12-13-14/10/2020 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Aula I. Nievo, Palazzo del Bo, Università di Padova...

Dalmatia and the Ancient Mediterranean: 50 years after John Wilkes's "Dalmatia" - 25-2
Fifty years ago, John J. Wilkes Dalmatia's book was published in the "History of the Provinces of the Roman Empire" collection (Harvard...

Crossing Gender Boundaries. Brave Women Living in Texts and Images - 26-27-28/11/2019 - Caserta (Ita
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 26-27-28/11/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Dipartimento di Lettere e Beni Culturali, Università degli Studi della Campania...

International Doctoral Conference “Dall’ombre al chiaro lume. The Enigma and its declensions in Lite
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The International Doctoral Conference at the University of Padua is an interdisciplinary and bilingual forum which...

I Jornadas de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias y Técnicas Historiográficas "Los objetos escri
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Estas jornadas están destinadas a la presentación de trabajos relativos al estudio de las Ciencias y Técnicas...

VIII Convegno internazionale "Poesia greca e latina in età tardoantica e medievale" - 19-2
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 19-20-21/11/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Sala riunioni del Dipartimento di Scienze Umanistiche, Sociali e della...

Symposium: Classicising learning, performance and power - 12-13-14/12/2019, Edinburgh (Scotland)
The symposium brings together scholars from across North America, Europe and Asia in order to explore how public performances of...