RICAN 9: Body and Text in the Ancient Novel - 10-11/10/2019, Rethymnon (Greece)
Romans and Natives in the Danubian Provinces (1st C. BC-6th C. AD) (5th International Conference on
Freud and Egypt: Between Oedipus and the Sphinx - 12/10/2019, London (England)
Collectors and Scholars. The Numismatic World in the Long 19th Century [CANCELLED] - 16-17/04/2020,
Children and Youth Speaking Up and Speaking Out - 24-25-26/06/2020, Manchester (England)
Meaning between the lines: allegory and hermeneutics in Greek imperial and late antique literature -
European Academy of Religion third Annual Conference (EUARE2020) - 22-23-24-25/06/2020, Bologna (Ita
Landscape. Una sintesi di elementi diacronici. Nuove metodologie per l’analisi di un territorio - 24
5th Ancient Philosophy Workshop for Female Graduate Students and Early Career Researchers - 14-15/04
Found in Translation: Interpreting, Reworking, and Reinventing Texts - 19/10/2019, Oxford (England)