Calling upon Gods, Offering Bodies: Strategies of Human-Divine Communication in the Roman Empire fro
Keeping to the Point: Law, Rhetoric and Character in Athenian Forensic Oratory - 12-13/09/2019, Edin
Advice and Instruction in Classical Antiquity - 12-13/09/2019, Manchester (England)
Mid-career scholars Women’s Classical Committee UK - 13/09/2019, Glasgow (Scotland)
Digital editing in the Classics - 25-26-27/09/2019, Munich (Germany)
Colloque International "Constructions identitaires en Asie Mineure (VIIIe s. a.C.- IIIe s. p.C.
V Jornadas Doctorales en Ciencias de la Antigüedad. Nuevas metodologías y modelos de investigación e
La reutilización del pasado durante la Edad Media (VII Congreso Internacional de Jóvenes Medievalist
2nd International Conference of Roma Sinica Studies "Empire and Politics: in the East and West
Connecting Classical Collections. Engaging with histories, networking for the future - 20/09/2019, N