L'Esercito romano e l'alba dell'Europa - 09-10-11/05/2019, Roma (Italy)
L’importanza dell’esercito nella storia politica e sociale di Roma è un fatto noto e ampiamente studiato. Altrettanto conosciuto è il...
O Território e a Gestão dos Recursos entre a Antiguidade Tardia e o Período Islâmico - 10-11/05/2019
O Encontro Internacional “O território e a gestão dos recursos entre a Antiguidade Tardia e o Período Islâmico” a realizar em Mértola nos...
The Material Gospel - 31/05/2019, Notre Dame (IN, USA)
As material objects, instantiations of “the Gospel” participated in ritual, political, economic, and readerly contexts. Gospel books were...
Petitioners, Penitents, and Poets: On Prayer and Praying in Second Temple Judaism - 21-22/05/2019, F
This conference, organized by Timothy Sandoval and Ariel Feldman, brings together scholars from the USA and Europe to present their...
Homenagem ao Professor Aires A. Nascimento - 18-19-20/07/2019, Lisboa (Portugal)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Em Julho deste ano, o Professor Aires A. Nascimento faz 80 anos. Para comemorar essa data, o Centro de Estudos...
Irresistible Night, Ageless Dark: The Nocturnal in Image, Text, and Material Culture - 15-16/11/2019
go to CALL FOR PAPERS This interdisciplinary conference invites graduate students in Archaeology, Classics, History of Art, and related...
Ministerium Sermonis. An International Colloquium on St. Augustine’s Sermons - 27-28-29/05/2020, Leu
go to CALL FOR PAPERS This conference will bring together scholars who have recently made important contributions to the study of...
Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean - 12-13-14/11/2019, Nicosia (Cyprus)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS This international congress aims to highlight recent advances in natural, material and computational science...
Immigration, Emigration and Exile. Encounters in Late Antiquity (ca. 150-700 CE). XXVI Finnish Sympo
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The 26th multidisciplinary Finnish Symposium on Late Antiquity will be organized on 8.-9. November 2019. The...
The Cultures of Reading in the Ancient Mediterranean World: Jews, Christians, Greeks, Romans - 28/10
go to CALL FOR PAPERS With the support of the Franklin Humanities Institute at Duke University, the organizers invite short papers for a...