L'Esercito romano e l'alba dell'Europa - 09-10-11/05/2019, Roma (Italy)
O Território e a Gestão dos Recursos entre a Antiguidade Tardia e o Período Islâmico - 10-11/05/2019
The Material Gospel - 31/05/2019, Notre Dame (IN, USA)
Petitioners, Penitents, and Poets: On Prayer and Praying in Second Temple Judaism - 21-22/05/2019, F
Homenagem ao Professor Aires A. Nascimento - 18-19-20/07/2019, Lisboa (Portugal)
Irresistible Night, Ageless Dark: The Nocturnal in Image, Text, and Material Culture - 15-16/11/2019
Ministerium Sermonis. An International Colloquium on St. Augustine’s Sermons - 27-28-29/05/2020, Leu
Archaeological Sciences in the Eastern Mediterranean - 12-13-14/11/2019, Nicosia (Cyprus)
Immigration, Emigration and Exile. Encounters in Late Antiquity (ca. 150-700 CE). XXVI Finnish Sympo
The Cultures of Reading in the Ancient Mediterranean World: Jews, Christians, Greeks, Romans - 28/10