Myth in the Greek and Roman Worlds: New Perspectives - 14/05/2019, Milton Keynes (England)
We are pleased to present the one-day workshop, 'Myth in the Greek and Roman Worlds: New Perspectives', on Tuesday 14th May from...
CISSR Annual Meeting on Christian Origins - 26-27-28/09/2019, Bertinoro (Italy)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The Annual Meetings on Christian Origins wish to provide a space for scientific debate on the historical Jesus, the...
Stylistique de l'épigramme à Rome - 16-17/05/2019, Saint-Étienne/Lyon (France)
L’épigramme a été à Rome l’un des genres littéraires les plus productifs, avec une amplitude chronologique exceptionnelle, depuis les...
Cappadocia and Cappadocians in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine periods (third century B.C
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Cappadocia and Cappadocians in the Hellenistic, Roman and early Byzantine periods (third century B.C. to seventh...
Essere sempre il migliore. Concorsi e gare nella Napoli antica - 15-16-17/05/2019, Napoli (Italy)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 15-16-17/05/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici, Napoli (Napoli, Italy)...
Germanico: tra la storia e la leggenda -08-09/05/2019, Roma (Italy)
Germanico Giulio Cesare morì a Daphne il 10 ottobre del 19 d.C., cambiando senza dubbio il divenire della storia dell’impero romano. Fu...
Classical Marvels Conference -09-10/05/2019, St Andrews (Scotland)
The conference explores discourses and experiences of the marvellous in Graeco-Roman culture, through a variety of sources, including...
Bracara augusta et romae pueritia -18/05/2019, Braga (Portugal)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 18/05/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Auditório do Museu D. Diogo de Sousa, Braga (Braga, Portugal)...
Historia Augusta symposium, a fresh approach - 06-07/05/2019, Edinburgh (Scotland)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 06-07/05/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Edinburgh (Edinburgh, Scotland) ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATORE:...
International Conference Page&Stage. The relation between texts and performance of Ancient Greek
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 06-07/05/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Department of Studi Umanistici - University of Bari (Bari, Italy)...