Time, Tense and Genre in Ancient Greek Literature - 12-13/09/2019, London (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA/DATE/DATA: 12-13/09/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Classics Department at King’s College London (London, England)...
Diffusion of zoological knowledge in late Antiquity and The Byzantine period - 18-19/10/2019, Trier
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA/DATE/DATA: 18-19/10/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Department of Classical Philology, Trier University (Trier,...
Postgraduate Medical Humanities Conference - 07-08/06/2019, Exeter (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA/DATE/DATA: 07-08/06/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Streatham Court, University of Exeter (Exeter, England)...
Autun capitale des langues anciennes - 30-31/03/2019, Autun (France)
Autun capitale des langues anciennes est évènement créé par l’association Human-Hist et soutenu par la ville d’Autun (71), il a pour but...
Plato on Comedy - 30-31/03/2019, Durham (England)
This research project aims to explore Plato’s rich and nuanced treatment of Greek comedy. In recent years there have been a number of...
State Formation Processes in the 10th Century BCE Levant - 07-08-09-10-11/04/2019, Jerusalem (Israel
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 07-08-09-10-11/04/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Mishkenot Sha'ananim (Jerusalem, Israel) ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATOR...
Ovidius Philosophus - 29-30/03/2019, New York (NY, USA)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 29-30/03/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: 612 Schermerhorn Hall, Columbia University (New York, NY, USA)...
CONCHA 1st International Conference: Peoples, Seaports and Frontiers: Living the Ocean - 10-11-12/07
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The CONCHA 1st International Conference will address the multiple ways of living the sea, mostly focusing on the...
Postcolonial and Decolonial Reception of European Thought: Decolonising Classics - 06/06/2019, Brist
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Philosophers recently have become aware that there is a risk that Eurocentric biases in philosophical tradition may...
The Politics of Empire in the Roman Republic: The Forum Unbounded (280 BCE – 20 CE) - 29-30/04 - 01-
go to CALL FOR PAPERS This conference aims to provide a forum for new research and scholarly argument on the role of empire as a catalyst...