Ciclo conferencias Juan de la Cierva -08-21-27/02/2019, Zaragoza (Spain)
Amazonas, diosas y mujeres guerreras en la Antigüedad -18/02/2019, Oviedo (Spain)
Il teatro delle emozioni: La Gioia - 20-21/05/2019 Padova (Italy)
Homer and Herodotus: A Reappraisal - 04-05/03/2019, Newcastle upon Tyne (England)
Perceptions of Assyria: Art, Culture and Politics - 09/02/2019, London (England)
The Fifth Papyrus Curatorial and Conservation Meeting - 20-21/06/2019, Dublin (Ireland)
Creating and Strengthening Identities: Greek and Roman Stereotypes of the East - 08-09/02/2019, Athe
Affective Representations in the ancient Near East and Mediterranean - 14/02/2019, New York (NY, USA
Power Play in the Ancient World - 13-14/04/2019, Leeds (England)
The Villa dei Papiri at Herculaneum: Pieces of the Puzzle - 02-03-04-05/01/2020, Washington, DC (USA