Rethinking Christian Political Thought in Late Antiquity - 18/06/2019, Liverpool (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA/DATE/DATA: 18/06/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: University of Liverpool (Liverpool, England)...

En los bordes de la cultura: locura y muerte en los procesos de transformación cultural - 13/05/2019
go to CALL FOR PAPERS FECHA /DATE/DATA: 13/05/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Facultad de GeografÃa e Historia, Universidad Complutense de...

Tacitus for the Twenty-first Century. An Interdisciplinary Workshop - 01/04/2019, London (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Recent years have seen an increasing diversity of approaches to the study of Tacitus. This day-workshop aims to...

Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Assyriology (OPCA) -26-27/04/2019, Oxford (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The organisers of the eighth annual Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Assyriology (OPCA) warmly invite all UK,...

Memory and Emotions in Antiquity - 06-07-08/12/2019, Rethymno (Greece)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS Researchers in the fields of neuroscience and psychology and philosophers explore the relationship between memory...

Writing the embodied experience in imperial ecphrasis - 04-05/09/2019, Cambridge (England)
How did the Greeks and Romans experience and describe their spectacles and material artefacts in the Imperial period? Were they concerned...

IX Reunión internacional de Escultura Romana en Hispania - 28-29-30/03/2019, Yecla (Spain)
Entre los dÃas 28 al 30 de marzo de 2019 se celebrará en Yecla la IX Reunión Internacional sobre Escultura Romana en Hispania, como...

Archaeometallurgy: Metal Provenancing in the Southern Levant - 02-03-04/02/2019, Jerusalem (Israel)
FECHA / DATE/DATA: 02-03-04/02/2019 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Mandel Building, Mount Scopus, The hebrew University of Jerusalem (Jerusalem,...

II Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias de las Religiones (II EJICR) - 03-04-05/04/2019,
go to CALL FOR PAPERS La razón de ser de este evento es la creación de sinergias entre el tejido investigador de las Ciencias de las...

The Late Antique Urban Landscape. Continuity, Transformation, and Innovation at the Juncture of the
go to CALL FOR PAPERS A Susan Manning Workshop at The Institute for Advanced Studies in the Humanities FECHA /DATE/DATA : 21-22/03/2019...