Rethinking Christian Political Thought in Late Antiquity - 18/06/2019, Liverpool (England)
En los bordes de la cultura: locura y muerte en los procesos de transformación cultural - 13/05/2019
Tacitus for the Twenty-first Century. An Interdisciplinary Workshop - 01/04/2019, London (England)
Oxford Postgraduate Conference in Assyriology (OPCA) -26-27/04/2019, Oxford (England)
Memory and Emotions in Antiquity - 06-07-08/12/2019, Rethymno (Greece)
Writing the embodied experience in imperial ecphrasis - 04-05/09/2019, Cambridge (England)
IX Reunión internacional de Escultura Romana en Hispania - 28-29-30/03/2019, Yecla (Spain)
Archaeometallurgy: Metal Provenancing in the Southern Levant - 02-03-04/02/2019, Jerusalem (Israel)
II Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias de las Religiones (II EJICR) - 03-04-05/04/2019,
The Late Antique Urban Landscape. Continuity, Transformation, and Innovation at the Juncture of the