Congreso internacional Tusculum 25 años. Excavaciones e investigaciones de la EEHAR -28-29/11/201
I manoscritti greci della Biblioteca Palatina: codice, testo e immagine - 28/11/2019, Parma (Italy)
Growing Corpora. Byzantine Book Epigrams and Online Text Collections - 24-25/06/2020, Ghent (Belgium
CALL. 15.11.2019: Growing Corpora. Byzantine Book Epigrams and Online Text Collections - Ghent (Belg
CALL. 22.11.2019 [POSTERS]: New Classicists Conference - London (England)
International Colloquium "Constructing Eurykleia’s Database: Antiquity and Digital Classics&quo
Using Ancient Treebanks: Reports and Dreams - 20-21/09/2019, Helsinki (Finland)
Archaeology of the Ionian Sea. Landscapes, seascapes and the circulation of people, goods and ideas
CALL. 20.09.2019: Archaeology of the Ionian Sea. Landscapes, seascapes and the circulation of people
Digital editing in the Classics - 25-26-27/09/2019, Munich (Germany)