CALL. 31.01.2018: IX Congreso Internacional e Interdisciplinar de Jóvenes Historiadores: "Cien
CALL. 13.01.2018: [SESIONES] XI Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica - Tarragona (Spain
XI Jornadas de Jóvenes en Investigación Arqueológica - 09-10-11-12/05/2018, Tarragona (Spain)
XXIVth European Forum of Young Legal Historians - 14-15-16-17/06/2018, Warsaw (Poland)
CALL. 28.02.2018: XXIVth European Forum of Young Legal Historians - Warsaw (Poland)
Law and Economic Performance in the Roman World - 13-14-15/12/2018, Bruxelles (Belgium)
CALL. 01.02.2018: Law and Economic Performance in the Roman World - Bruxelles (Belgium)
Being Everybody’s Slaves. Public Slavery in Ancient and Modern World - 23-24/03/2018, Newcastle upon
CALL. 15.02.2018: [SESSION 2] Archaeologies of Unfree Labor in Europe and the Mediterranean (EAA 201
Le Cheval, l'âne et la mule dans les empires de l'Orient ancien et leur périphérie - 12-13/1