International Symposium of Propontis and The Surrounding Cultures - 15-16-17-18-19/10/2018, Çanakkal
CALL. 30.04.2018: International Symposium of Propontis and The Surrounding Cultures - Çanakkale (Tur
Interdisziplinäres altertumswissenschaftliches Nachwuchskolloquium an der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilh
CALL. 15.03.2018: 4. Interdisziplinäres altertumswissenschaftliches Nachwuchskolloquium an der Rhein
Ancient History from Below: Possibilities and Challenges -22-23/03/2018, São Paulo (Brazil)
"A land whose stones are iron and out of whose hills you can dig copper" (Deuteronomy 8:9)
CALL. 23.03.2018: [PANEL 12] No rest in the west: local industries in the western provinces (RPAIG a
Topographies in Motion: Urban Movement and Mobility in Late Antiquity (4th to 6th centuries) -04-05/
CALL.23.02.2018: Topographies in Motion: Urban Movement and Mobility in Late Antiquity (4th to 6th c
Colonie greche a confronto: mobilità e consolidamento insediativo dall’Italia Meridionale al Mar Ner