CALL. 30.04.2016. III Fórum-Estudante em História e Culturas da Alimentação - Coimbra (Portugal)
Numbers and Numeracy in Classical Greece - 02-03-04/09/2016, Leiden (Netherlands)
CALL. 22.04.2016: Numbers and Numeracy in Classical Greece - Leiden (Netherlands)
CALL. 31.03.2016: Colloquium Bab El-Gasus in context: Egyptian Funerary Culture in the 21st Dynasty
II Jornadas de doctorandos del mundo antiguo, “Piratas, guerreros, comerciantes, dioses y monstruos.
CALL. 22/04/2016: II Jornadas de doctorandos del mundo antiguo,“Piratas, guerreros, comerciantes, di
Weaving the Past: The archaeology of textiles and textile production in Greece in the first millenni
XVIII Coloquio Internacional de AEIHM, “Autoridad, poder e influencia: Mujeres que hacen Historia” -
CALL. 15.03.2016: XVIII Coloquio Internacional de AEIHM, “Autoridad, poder e influencia: Mujeres que
III International Numismatic Conference Pecunia Omnes Vincit. Coin as a Medium of Exchange Throughou