Insularities: A Diachronic Interdisciplinary Investigation - 07-08/12/2017, New York (NY, USA)
Couple relationships in antiquity: looking for real-life experiences - 08-09/11/2018, Lausanne (Swit
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XVII Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores de Historia Antigua (UCM). VIII Edición Internacional - 09-
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31 RCRF Congress: Marketing of Roman pottery: economic relationships between local and imported prod
Economy of Religions in Anatolia and Northern Syria: From the early second to the middle of the firs
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Le poivre, de l’Antiquité à l’époque moderne : un luxe populaire ? Échanges, circulations et usages
Poverty in early civilizations: a comparative view - 17-18/11/2017, Köln (Germany)