Feast as a Mirror of Social and Cultural Changes - 28-29-30/09/2017, Kraków (Poland)
CALL. 23.04.2017: Feast as a Mirror of Social and Cultural Changes - Kraków (Poland)
Seen, not Heard: Composition, Iconicity, and the Classifier Systems of Logosyllabic Scripts - 02-03
Sacrificial Rituals in Thought and Practice - 22-23-24/09/2017, Chang Chung (China)
CALL. 31.03.2017: Sacrificial Rituals in Thought and Practice - Chang Chung (China)
Understanding Relations Between Scripts II: Early Alphabets - 21-22/03/2017, Cambridge (England)
International Young Scholars' Conference. Canonisation and Formation of Identities in times of c
CALL. 15.03.2017: International Young Scholars' Conference. Canonisation and Formation of Identi
IV Incontro di Studi Antropologia e Archeologia a Confronto: Antropologia e Archeologia dell’Amore -
CALL. 20.03.2017: IV Incontro di Studi Antropologia e Archeologia a Confronto: Antropologia e Archeo