British Epigraphy Society Autumn Colloquium 2019 - 16/11/2019, London (England)
Appréhender la culture écrite des anciens: les catégories «documentaire» et «littéraire» en papyrolo
Changing Clusters and Migration in the Near Eastern Bronze Age - 04-05-06/12/2019, Vienna (Austria)
Instrumenta inscripta IX: Jewellery, decoration und labelling - 14-15-16/05/2020, Graz (Austria)
CALL. 15.11.2019: Instrumenta inscripta IX: Jewellery, decoration und labelling - Graz (Austria)
Association of Ancient Historians Annual Meeting 2020 (AAH 2020) - 23-24-25/04/2020 (Online)
CALL. 02.12.2019: Association of Ancient Historians Annual Meeting 2020 (AAH 2020) - Iowa (IA, USA)
Second Annual Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Conference on the Ancient World - 07/02/2020, New York
CALL. 22.11.2019: Second Annual Interdisciplinary Undergraduate Conference on the Ancient World - Ne
Women Intellectuals in Antiquity - 15-16/02/2020, Oxford (England)