CALL.25.08.2017: [CA 2018] Ecology, Environment and Empire - Leicester (England)
Terceras Jornadas sobre Objetos y Cultura Material: Objetos y emociones - 25-26/10/2017, Santiago (C
CALL. 30.08.2017: Terceras Jornadas sobre Objetos y Cultura Material: Objetos y emociones - Santiago
Remarkable things: The agency of objecthood and the power of materiality - 10/03/2018, Warwick (Engl
CALL. 01.12.2017: Remarkable things: The agency of objecthood and the power of materiality - Warwick
The Egyptology Graduate Conference - 11/11/2017, Providence, RI (USA)
CALL. 31.08.2017: The Egyptology Graduate Conference - Providence, RI (USA)
CALL. 31.08.2017: The role of water in production processes in Antiquity (19th International Congres
The Body as Machine in Antiquity. Towards an Early History of Iatromechanics - 01/12/2017, Nicosia (
Discovering and Interpreting Humor in the Ancient World - 20-21/04/2018, Columbus (OH, USA)