The Fourth Papyrus Curatorial and Conservation Meeting -21-22/06/2018, London (England)
CALL.15.02.2018: The Fourth Papyrus Curatorial and Conservation Meeting -London (England)
Bi/Multilingualism and the History of Language Learning and Teaching - 06-07/07/2018, Reading (Engla
CALL.23.02.2018: Bi/Multilingualism and the History of Language Learning and Teaching - Reading (Eng
Locating the Ancient World in Early Modern Subversive Thought -12-13-14/04/2018, Newcastle (England)
CALL.09.02.2018: Locating the Ancient World in Early Modern Subversive Thought - Newcastle (England)
New perspectives on Cicero's Philosophy -10-11/02/2018, Durham (England)
ICS public engagement workshop - 22/03/2018, London (England)
Sounds of the Hellenic World II: C.P. Cavafy: The poetics of history and the music of poetry - 11-12
Being Everybody’s Slaves. Public Slavery in Ancient and Modern World - 23-24/03/2018, Newcastle upon