Colloque International "Constructions identitaires en Asie Mineure (VIIIe s. a.C.- IIIe s. p.C.
Romans and Natives in the Danubian Provinces (1st C. BC-6th C. AD) (5th International Conference on
Beyond the Black Hole. Locating Junian Latins in the Roman Empire - 26-27/09/2019, Santiago de Compo
CALL. 31.08.2019: [SESSIONS] Theoretical Roman Archaeology Conference 2020 - Split (Croatia)
CALL. 07.08.2019: [PANEL 1] "Regional Epigraphic Cultures across the Ancient Globe" (CA 20
Caraca y la romanización del interior peninsular - 15-16-17/11/2019, Guadalajara (Spain)
Cultic, Material and Textual Aspects of the Vow in the Ancient World (International Workshop) - 25-
The Desert Origins of God: Yahweh's Emergence and the Materiality of Desert Cult in the Southern
Workshop "Texts and APIs: the Distributed Text Services" - 15-16/07/2019, Hamburg (Germany
Multilingualism and Minority Languages in Ancient Europe -26-27/06/2019, Roma (Italy)