Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in Ancient Literature (AMPAL 2019) - 13-14/06/2019, Leeds (England)
Erasmus+ Conferences in Classics -06-09-13/05-10/06/2019, Kalamata (Greece)
Funerary Landscapes of the Late Antique oecumene. Contextualizing Epigraphic and Archeological Evide
British Epigraphy Society Spring Meeting 2019 - 18/05/2019, Newcastle (England)
Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of Rock Art and Graffiti studies in Egypt and Sudan - 10-
CALL. 30.05.2019: Stone canvas. Towards a better integration of Rock Art and Graffiti studies in Egy
Political Oratory & Rhetoric in The Classical & Hellenistic Periods - 25-26/04/2019, London
La montagna nell’antichità - 02-03-04/05/2019, Trento (Italy)
Rebelles, révoltés, innovateurs : figures antiques de la Transgression -22/11/2019, Lyon (France)
CALL. 27.05.2019: Rebelles, révoltés, innovateurs : figures antiques de la Transgression - Lyon (Fra