CALL. 17.09.2018: Ricerche a confronto 2018 (Rodopis) - Bologna (Italy)
Da Vibio Pansa a Proietto. Caburrum, il suo territorio, le valli tra il I a.C. e il V d.C - 23/06/20
III Seminario Internacional "Fortuna Redux" de Investigación en Historia Antigua: "Hi
CALL. 31.07.2018: III Seminario Internacional "Fortuna Redux" de Investigación en Historia
Thucydides the Athenian - 26-27-28-29/06/2018, Athens (Greece)
Les inscriptions latines d'Aquitaine - 20/06/2018, Pessac (France)
The Old Babylonian Diyala: Research since the 1930s and Prospects - 25-26/06/2018, Paris (France)
Sensing the Past. Detecting the Use of the Five Senses in Ancient Contexts - 04/06/2018, Roma (Italy
When Gods Speak to Men: Divine Speech according to Textual Sources in the Ancient Mediterranean Basi
Open Science & The Humanities Conference 2018 -21/06/2018, Barcelona (Spain)