CALL. 30.05.2018: [POSTERS] Open Science & The Humanities Conference 2018 - Barcelona (Spain)
Dire les cultes à mystères en latin: approches littéraire et historique - 01-02/06/2018, Genève (Swi
Equity, redemption and release in ancient legal traditions - 08/06/2018, Leiden (Netherlands)
Inscriptions in Historiography and Historiography in Inscriptions. Two Sides of the Same Coin: Histo
CALL. 28.06.2018: Inscriptions in Historiography and Historiography in Inscriptions. Two Sides of t
Nuovi volti della ricerca archeologica, filologica e storica - 14-15-16-17-18/05/2018, Venezia (Ital
The historiography on democratic Athens before George Grote - 04/05/2018, Edinburgh (Scotland)
Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World (AMPRAW) - 08-09/11/2018, Coim
CALL. 01.06.2018: Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World (AMPRAW) - C
Fifth Australasian Egyptology Conference - 07-08-09/09/2018, Auckland (New Zealand)