CALL. 31.12.2017: “Manes adite paterni!” Hausgeister in der griechisch-römischen Welt / "Manes
The Material Dimension of Religions: Transcultural Approaches to Epigraphical and Archaeological Sou
CALL. 24.11.2017: [APPLICATIONS] The Material Dimension of Religions: Transcultural Approaches to Ep
"New Voices in Epigraphy" Graduate Conference - 12-13/04/2018, Oxford (England)
CALL. 15.12.2017: "New Voices in Epigraphy" Graduate Conference - Oxford (England
The Dancing Floor of Ares: Local Conflict and Regional Violence in Central Greece - 09/11/2017, Mont
The British Epigraphy Society 2017 Autumn Colloquium: "Epigraphy in Action" - 11/11/2017,
Signalling weakness and crisis in the western cities of the Roman Empire (I-III AD) - 09-10-11/11/20
5000 Years of Comments: The Development of Commentary from Ancient Mesopotamia to the Age of Informa
CALL. 01.12.2017: 5000 Years of Comments: The Development of Commentary from Ancient Mesopotamia to