CALL. 29.10.2017: Ancient Near Eastern and Neighboring Regions: Enlarging Research Horizons through
7th AIUCD (Associazione per L'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale) Conference - 31/01-0
CALL. 30.09.2017: 7th AIUCD (Associazione per L'Informatica Umanistica e la Cultura Digitale) Co
Prouinciae, imperatores et socii en la República romana -05-06/10/2017, Málaga (Spain)
Coloquio Internacional: Marginación y mujer en el Alto Imperio Romano (siglos I-III) -04-05/10/2017,
Cultic Graffiti across the Mediterranean and Beyond- 27-28-29/09/2017, Bari (Italy)
XLI Colloque international d'HALMA. "Mémoires de Trajan, mémoires d'Hadrien" - 28-
Discovering and Interpreting Humor in the Ancient World - 20-21/04/2018, Columbus (OH, USA)
CALL 30.11.2017: Discovering and Interpreting Humor in the Ancient World - Columbus (OH, USA)
IX Congreso Internacional de Estudios Fenicios y Púnicos: Un viaje entre el Oriente y el Occidente d