Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana, Tardantichità e AltoMedioevo - 05-06-07/02/2018, Roma (Italy)
CALL. 06.10.2017: Ricerche di Archeologia Cristiana, Tardantichità e AltoMedioevo -Roma (Italy)
Work in Progress seminar ICS [Term 3] -04/2018-05/2018-06/2018, London (England)
Work in Progress seminar ICS [Term 2] -01/2018-02/2018-03/2018, London (England)
Work in Progress seminar ICS [Term 1] -10/2017-11/2017-12/2017, London (England)
Seventh Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World (AMPRAW) - 23-24/11/20
CALL. 03.09.2017: Seventh Annual Meeting of Postgraduates in the Reception of the Ancient World (AMP
L’Anatolia antica: politiche imperiali e culture locali tra XV e VI secolo a.C. Problemi di etnicit
Divine Speech in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin - 14-15/06/2018, Lille (Francia)
CALL. 15.09.2017: Divine Speech in the Ancient Mediterranean Basin - Lille (Francia)