Epigrafía, tempos e memórias. Jornada de tributo ao Professor José d'Encarnação - 28/10/2015, Co
III Coloquio Internacional del Grupo de Investigación "Ciudades Romanas": La sociedad prov
Epigraphy Workshop Hilary Term 2015 - 19-26/10, 02-09-23-30/11/2015, Oxford (England)
Edinburgh Classics postgraduate seminars - 24/09, 01-08-15-22-29/10, 5-12-19-26/11, 03-10/12/2015, E
BES Autumn Colloquium 2015 - 14/11/2015, London (England)
Digital Classicist Seminar Berlin - 13-27/10, 10-24/11, 08/12/2015, 05-19/01, 02-16/02/2016, Berlin
Epigraphic Saturday - 31/10/2015, Cambridge (England)
Epigrafia e società dell'Etruria romana - 23-24/10/2015, Firenze (Italy)
Migration and Conflict: Documents from the Antiquity - 11-18-25/11, 02-16/2016, Bologna (Italy)
Oppida Labentia: transformations, changes and alterations in the cities of Roman Hispania between II