IX Mesa Redonda Internacional de Lusitania - 29-30/09/2016, Madrid (Spain)
Convegno Humboldtiano: “La magia nel mondo antico. Nuove prospettive”- “Die Magie in der antiken We
Monumenta et memoria. Estudios de Epigrafía Romana, Coloquio Internacional - 22-23/09/2016, Santande
CALL. 11.08.2016: Postgraduate Work-in-Progress Seminar Institute of Classical Studies School of Adv
Photo-objects. On the Materiality of Photographs and Photo-Archives in the Humanities and Sciences -
CALL. 15.07.2016: Photo-objects. On the Materiality of Photographs and Photo-Archives in the Humanit
III Jornadas de Doctorandos en Filología Clásica - 17/6/2016, Madrid (Spain)
Regionalism and Integration in the later Roman empire (AD 270-305) - 15-16/06/2016, St Andrews (Scot
96th Anniversary Meeting of CAMWS-SS - 27-28-29/10/2016, Atlanta (USA)
CALL. 06.06.2016: 96th Anniversary Meeting of CAMWS-SS - Atlanta (USA)