Numbers and Numeracy in Classical Greece - 02-03-04/09/2016, Leiden (Netherlands)
CALL. 22.04.2016: Numbers and Numeracy in Classical Greece - Leiden (Netherlands)
Greek and Bilingual Inscriptions of Ptolemaic Egypt - 01-02/04/2016, Oxford (England)
Religious dedications in ancient local languages of the Western Mediterranean - 18-19/05/2016, Rome
CALL. 01.04.2016: Religious dedications in ancient local languages of the Western Mediterranean - Ro
E-PIGRAPHIA: Fotogrametría, Nuevas Tecnologías y Epigrafía Latina - 07/04/2016, Tudela (Spain)
112TH CAMWS Meeting - 16-17-18-19/03/2016, Williamsburg, Virginia (USA)
Realia Christianorum - III Incontro sulle fonti documentarie per lo studio del cristianesimo antico:
CALL. 20.03.2016: Realia Christianorum - III Incontro sulle fonti documentarie per lo studio del cri
IV Congreso Nacional Ganimedes - 02-03-04/03/2016, Valencia (Spain)