Digital Classicist Seminar Berlin - 13-27/10, 10-24/11, 08/12/2015, 05-19/01, 02-16/02/2016, Berlin
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 13-27/10, 10-24/11, 08/12/2015, 05-19/01, 02-16/02/2016 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Excellence Cluster TOPOI - German...
Epigraphic Saturday - 31/10/2015, Cambridge (England)
In memory of Harold Mattingly and to coincide with the memorial meeting to be held on the afternoon of Saturday October 31 at the Friends...
Epigrafia e società dell'Etruria romana - 23-24/10/2015, Firenze (Italy)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 23-24/10/2015 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Sala Comparetti, Ex-Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia ; Museo Fiorentino di Preistoria...
Migration and Conflict: Documents from the Antiquity - 11-18-25/11, 02-16/2016, Bologna (Italy)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 11-18-25/11, 02-12/201618-25, 02-12/2016 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Aula Marco Celio, Alma Mater Studiorum – University of...
Oppida Labentia: transformations, changes and alterations in the cities of Roman Hispania between II
Uno de los objetivos del Plan de Investigación de la Fundación Uncastillo en Los Bañales pasa por hacer de la ciudad romana un espacio...
The Classical Body Split Open: Corporal Obscenity in Antiquity - 23-24/10/2015, Edinburgh (Scotland)
The present conference aims at filling this gap by inviting papers on the subject of corporal obscenity in Antiquity (Literature,...
CALL. 25.09.2015: The Classical Body Split Open: Corporal Obscenity in Antiquity - Edinburgh (Scotla
Synoikismos Seminar 3: Greek religion in all its aspects - 20/04/2016, Liège (Belgium)
The last session of the Synoikismos seminar will be held at the University of Liège in April 2016. It will give PhD students working on...
CALL. 15.08.2015: Synoikismos Seminar 3: Greek religion in all its aspects - Liège (Belgium)
The last session of the Synoikismos seminar will be held at the University of Liège in April 2016. It will give PhD students working on...
Professor Sir Fergus Millar- A Conference to celebrate his eightieth birthday - 15/07/2015, Oxford (
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 15/07/2015 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Old Library, All Souls College, University of Oxford (Oxford, England)...