CALL. 20.03.2020: Bridging the Gap (17th Annual PGF Conference) - Newcastle (England)
The Women’s Classical Committee Annual Meeting 2020: Green Shoots in Classics - 24/04/2020, Online
CALL. 01.04.2020: The Women’s Classical Committee Annual Meeting 2020: Green Shoots in Classics (Onl
IV Jornada Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores ANIHO-VI SHRA: "La recepción de la Antigüeda
CALL. 20.07.2020: IV Jornada Internacional de Jóvenes Investigadores ANIHO-VI SHRA: "La recepci
Augustine and the Humanists. Reading "De Civitate Dei" in Italy between the Fourteenth and
7th Birmingham Egyptology Symposium: "Biography in ancient Egypt" - 21/05/2021, Online (Zoom)
CALL. 02.04.2021: 7th Birmingham Egyptology Symposium: "Biography in ancient Egypt" - Online (Zoom)
Congreso Internacional "TRANSLATIO SENECÆ. Las traducciones ibéricas de Séneca en su ámbito rom
Jornadas GIRLC 2020 "El mal en las literaturas clásicas y su recepción" - 15-16/10/2020, V