CALL: 28.02.2021: Colloque "Présence of Juvénal" - Clermont-Ferrand (France)
L'Asclepius: una nuova edizione - 17/12/2020, Online (MS Teams)
Classical Reformations: Beyond Christian Humanism - 03/09/2021, Online
CALL. 16.04.2021: Classical Reformations: Beyond Christian Humanism - Online
What have the Ancients ever done for us? - 01/04/2021, Dublin (Ireland)
CALL. 05.02.2021: What have the Ancients ever done for us? - Dublin (Ireland)
Saint Augustine’s De civitate Dei - 27-28-29/01/2022, Leuven-Brussels (Belgium)
CALL. 31.03.2021: Saint Augustine’s De civitate Dei - Leuven-Brussels (Belgium)
Enchanted reception: Religion and the supernatural in medieval... - 03-04/06/2021, Ghent (Belgium)
CALL.01.02.2021: Enchanted reception: Religion and the supernatural in medieval... - Ghent (Belgium)