CALL. 30.07.2017: IV Colóquio Internacional A Literatura Clássica ou os Clássicos na Literatura - Li
The Open University Classical Studies Postgraduate Work in Progress Day 2017- 10/05/2017, Milton Key
Floro: storiografia, retorica e poesia - 10/05/2017, Napoli (Italy)
La réception d'Ausone dans les littératures européennes - 26-27/10/2017, Nanterre (France)
CALL. 20.05.2017: La réception d'Ausone dans les littératures européennes - Nanterre (France)
Palermo Classici Contro Utopia (Europa). Ovvero del diventare cittadini europei - 27/04/2017, Palerm
2017 Film & History Conference - 01-02-03-04-05/11/2017, Milwaukee (WI, USA)
CALL. 01.07.2017: Between nostos and exilium: "home" in on-screen representations of the a
The second Hebrew University-Oxford University Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference: "The I
Classics and Political Extremism in the 21st Century - 20/05/2017, Cambridge (England)