Uomo e ambiente nel mondo greco - 05-06/06/2017, Palermo (Italy)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 05-06/06/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Palazzo Chiaramonte Steri, Università degli Studi di Palermo (Palermo, Italy)...
Descrições da Índia na literatura grega e latina - 06-07-08-09/06/2017, Lisboa (Portugal)
Este curso pretende estabelecer um debate de ideias sobre a visão do Outro no mundo antigo. Partindo da leitura de textos mencionados...
Incontri TardoAntichi a Roma. NUOVE PROPOSTE su Ovidio nella tarda antichità e su Claudiano - 23/05/
Traduire les textes anciens : l'exercice de l'écart - 13/05/2017, Paris (France)
Traduire les textes latins et grecs est aujourd'hui d'une part une pratique éditoriale analogue à la traduction des langues modernes,...
Virtual Conference Teaching Leaders and Leadership Through Classics - 08-22/05/2017
This conference explores how the study of classical antiquity has been, can be, and should be used as a platform for leadership education...
I Jornada de Estudio del Videojuego Histórico -16/05/2017, Madrid (Spain)
El Seminario de Historia y Teoría de la Cultura del Departamento de Historia Contemporánea (UMC) organiza, en colaboración con Presura y...
Globalizing Ovid: An International Conference in Commemoration of the Bimillennium of Ovid’s Death -
The conference is part of the National Social Science Fund of China Major Grant Project (No. 15ZDB087) entitled “Translating the Complete...
TEMPUS QUAERENDI. Nouvelles expériences philologiques dans le domaine de la pensée de l’Antiquité ta
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 10-11-12/05/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: École Normale Supérieure Paris (Paris, France) ORGANIZADOR/ORGANIZER/ORGANIZZATOR...
Aristote en Arménie - 12-13/05/2017, Genève (Switzerland)
FECHA/DATE/DATA: 12-13/05/2017 LUGAR/LOCATION/LUOGO: Université de Genève, salle Denis de Rougemont (Genève, Switzerland)...
Cyborg Classics: An Interdisciplinary Symposium - 07/07/2017, Bristol (England)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The aim of the day is to bring together researchers from different disciplines – scholars in Archaeology &...