Ricerche a Confronto XII "Patterns of Complaint" -08-15-22/11-06/12/2017, Urbino (Italy)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS The Cultural Association Rodopis,in cooperation with the Department of Humanities (Dipartimento di Studi...
CALL. 15.09.2017: Ricerche a Confronto XII "Patterns of Complaint" - Urbino (Italy)
go to CONGRESS The Cultural Association Rodopis,in cooperation with the Department of Humanities (Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici) of...
Ambiguity in Antiquity - 02.03/03/2018, Tubingen (Germany)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS In antiquity, the phenomenon of ambiguity (ἀμφιβολία, ambiguitas) is traditionally linked to a lack of clarity...
CALL. 31.10.2017: Ambiguity in Antiquity - Tubingen (Germany)
Composer une Histoire monumentale à la fin de la République et au début du Principat : l’encyclopédi
La fin de la République et le début de l’Empire voient la naissance de synthèses historiques et géographiques monumentales, à portée...
American Oriental Society (AOS) Annual Meeting 2018 -16-17-18-19/03/2018, Pittsburgh (PA, USA)
go to CALL FOR PAPERS 1 From the beginning the Society’s aims have been humanistic. The encouragement of basic research in the languages...
CALL.01.10.2017: (AOS 2018) Human and Cultural Geography in the Ancient Near East -Pittsburgh (PA, U
go to CONGRESS Geography is a result of lived human experience. On the larger scale, we see borders as lines of division between...
Medieval Latin Networks! The International Medieval Latin Committee -17-18-19-20-21/09/2017, Wien (A
The International Medieval Latin Committee has as its primary mission the organization of international congresses in order to further,...
La Bible et ses lectures -25-26-27/10/2017, Orleáns (France)
Ce colloque international est consacré à l’étude des rumeurs et des renommées dans le « monde biblique », c’est-à-dire d’une part dans...
The Dead Sea Scrolls at Seventy: “Clear a Path in the Wilderness” - 29-30/04-01-02/05/2018, Jerusale
go to CALL FOR PAPERS To mark seventy years since the initial discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls, an international symposium will be held...