CALL. 15.02.2018: Religión y política: acuerdos y conflictos. XII Congreso Internacional de la Socie
Per un umanesimo condiviso. Lettere e scienze per il futuro del nostro paese - 29/11/2017, Benevento
Foreign Influences: Philosophy and the Circulation of Knowledge in Antiquity - 24-25-26/10/2018, Mon
CALL. 20.12.2017: Foreign Influences: Philosophy and the Circulation of Knowledge in Antiquity - Mon
“Manes adite paterni!” Hausgeister in der griechisch-römischen Welt / "Manes adite paterni!&quo
CALL. 31.12.2017: “Manes adite paterni!” Hausgeister in der griechisch-römischen Welt / "Manes
Lyric Beyond Lyric: ‘submerged’ traditions, generic interactions, and later receptions - 24/05/2018,
CALL. 24.01.2018: Lyric Beyond Lyric: ‘submerged’ traditions, generic interactions, and later recept
CALL. 20.12.2017: European Academy of Religion Annual Conference - Bologna (Italy)
European Academy of Religion Annual Conference - 05-06-07-08/03/2018, Bologna (Italy)