The second Hebrew University-Oxford University Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference: "The I
Philosophy in its Ancient Beginnings: on the conceptualisation, criticism and justification of philo
CALL. 14.04.2017: Philosophy in its Ancient Beginnings: on the conceptualisation, criticism and just
Between Philosophy and Rhetoric - 13-14/05/2017, New York, NY (USA)
Sapiens Ubique Civis V - 30/08-01,02/09/2017, Szeged (Hungary)
CALL. 21.05.2017: Sapiens Ubique Civis V - Szeged (Hungary)
Lucan in His Contemporary Contexts - Provo - 13-14-15/04/2017, Provo (UT, USA)
Euripides-Rezeption in Kaiserzeit und Spätantike -30-31-01/03-04/2017, Göttingen (Germany)
Schemata and Arguments. Interactions between Literary and Philosophical Commentaries in Late Antiqui
VII Giornata di studio su Aristofane - 25/03/2017, Roma (Italy)