CALL. 31.07.2019: The 41st Annual Meeting and Conference of the Australasian Society for Classical S
CALL. 28.06.2019: The Spatial Turn in Roman Studies: Auckland - Auckland (New Zealand)
66th Entretiens sur l’Antiquité classique: Psychologie de la couleur dans le monde gréco romain - 2
Symposium Platonicum XII: Plato’s Parmenides - 15-16-17-18-19/07/2019, Paris (France)
Feminism & Classics 2020 - 21-22-23-24/05/2020, Winston-Salem (NC, USA)
CALL. 01.09.2019: Feminism & Classics 2020 - Winston-Salem (NC, USA)
The Second Annual St Andrews Graduate Conference in Ancient Philosophy: The Soul in Ancient Philosop
CALL. 15.07.2019: The Second Annual St Andrews Graduate Conference in Ancient Philosophy: The Soul i
Gramsci Research Network Meetng #2: two seminars and a book launch - 09/07/2019, London (England)
In / Visible: Representation, Discourse, Practices, Dispositifs - 22/10/2019, Palermo (Italy)