CALL. 30.04.2019: International Conference on Manipulation and Perception. Forms and Ways of Persuas
‘Vedere’ l’invisibile’: Rileggendo il XXXIV libro Sulla natura di Epicuro (PHerc. 1431) - 28/02-01/0
Researching Metaphor in the Ancient Near East: Perspectives from Texts and Images - 08-09-10-11-12/0
CALL. 01.03.02019: Researching Metaphor in the Ancient Near East: Perspectives from Texts and Images
Tacitus for the Twenty-first Century. An Interdisciplinary Workshop - 01/04/2019, London (England)
CALL. 15.02.2019: Tacitus for the Twenty-first Century. An Interdisciplinary Workshop - London (Engl
CALL. 23.02.2019: Memory and Emotions in Antiquity - Rethymno (Greece)
II Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias de las Religiones (II EJICR) - 03-04-05/04/2019,
CALL. 12.03.2019: II Encuentro de Jóvenes Investigadores en Ciencias de las Religiones (II EJICR) -
CALL. 18.02.2019: [PANEL 8] The Politics of the Second Sophistic (CCC 2019) - Coimbra (Portugal)