When Gods Speak to Men: Divine Speech according to Textual Sources in the Ancient Mediterranean Basi
(De)Constructing Masculinity: Manifestations of Maleness, Male Sexuality and the Male Body in Greco-
CALL. 30.06.2018: (De)Constructing Masculinity: Manifestations of Maleness, Male Sexuality and the M
Winckelmann and His Passionate Followers: Queer Archaeology, Egyptology and the History of Arts 1750
CALL. 28.05.2018: Winckelmann and His Passionate Followers: Queer Archaeology, Egyptology and the Hi
1º Congreso de la Red de Historiadoras Feministas -03-04/10/2018, Santiago de Chile (Chile)
CALL. 20.05.2018: 1º Congreso de la Red de Historiadoras Feministas - Santiago de Chile (Chile)
Classics and Global Humanities -11-12/10/2018, Legon (Ghana)
CALL. 08.07.2018: Classics and Global Humanities - Legon (Ghana)
¿Posverdad? Mentiras, hechos alternativos y propaganda en la Antigüedad - 07/05/2018, Barcelona (Spa