Maternitas in Classical Antiquity - 17/05/2018, Sheffield, (England)
Viajar en la Antigüedad. Género, mito e historia Seminario Interuniversitario de Historia Antigua y
Women and Classical Scholarship: an international colloquium celebrating the retirement of Judith P.
Gender Numismatics. Fluid Identities and Ancient Coinage - 29-30/11/2018, Tübingen (Germany)
CALL. 30.04.2018: Gender Numismatics. Fluid Identities and Ancient Coinage - Tübingen (Germany)
II Encuentro de Egiptología Complutense - 16-17/04/2018, Madrid (Spain)
Ancient Love Letters - 22-23/03/2018, Leeds (England)
CALL. 01.04.2018: Women and the construction of religious memory in antiquity - Getafe (Spain)
CALL. 31.03.2018: [PANEL] AIAC-round table discussion. Diversity in the Past: diversity in the Prese
Women's Classical Committee UK 2018 Annual General Meeting - 18/04/2018, London (England)