SEMINAR. Myth and Politics from Antiquity to the Present Time - 08-15-22-29/06, 06-13-20-27/07, 03-1
CALL. 03.06.2020: SEMINAR.Myth and Politics from Antiquity to the Present Time - (Online)
The Late Republic Populism(s), Power Structures, and Interpretative Frameworks - 02-03-04/05/2020, O
Bellum ex altera parte: Social Status, Gender and Ethnicity in Ancient Warfare 21st Unisa Classics C
CALL. 01.02.2021: Bellum ex altera parte: Social Status, Gender and Ethnicity in Ancient Warfare 21s
Identity and Identification, 300 C.E.-1200 C.E. - 22/05/2020, Cardiff (Wales)
CALL. 10.04.2020: Identity and Identification, 300 C.E.-1200 C.E. - Cardiff (Wales)
The Sportula 2nd online conference: Losing Chains: Systems of Support in Classics, Ancient and Moder
CALL. 22.08.2020: The Sportula 2nd online conference: Losing Chains: Systems of Support in Classics,
The Women’s Classical Committee Annual Meeting 2020: Green Shoots in Classics - 24/04/2020, Online