18th Annual Conference of the EASR 2021 - 30-31/08, 01-02-03/09/2021, Pisa (Italy)
CALL. 15.03.2021: 18th Annual Conference of the EASR 2021 - Pisa (Italy)
Thucydides in the ‘Age of Extremes’ and Beyond. Academia and Politics - 30/10/2020, (Online)
I Jornada de Estudios Doctorales de Arte i Musicología- 16-17/12/2020, (Online)
CALL. 30.10.2020: I Jornada de Estudios Doctorales de Arte i Musicología - (Online)
MAPPOLA Workshop ‘Latin Poetry in the Greek East & Greek Poetry - 25-26/02/2021, (Online)
CALL. 31.10.2020: MAPPOLA Workshop ‘Latin Poetry in the Greek East & Greek Poetry - (Online)
Offerte in metallo nei santuari greci. Doni votivi, rituali, smaltim - 29/10/2020, (Online)
Poetics, Politics and the Ruin in Cinema and Theatre since 1945 (II) - 22/11/2021, Nanterre (France)
Poetics, Politics and the Ruin in Cinema and Theatre since 1945 (I) - 02/04/2021, Oxford (England)