Ancient Plaster: Casting Light On A Forgotten Sculptural Material - 30-31/03/2021, (Online)
Matters of Magic between Archaeology, Anthropology, and History - 20-21-22/11/2020, Zalău (Romania)
CALL 01.05.2020: Matters of Magic between Archaeology, Anthropology, and History - Zalău (Romania)
Gods & Humans in Ancient Egypt. Current Research and Multidisciplinary Approaches - 12-13-14/06/
CALL.10.03.2020: Gods & Humans in Ancient Egypt. Current Research and Multidisciplinary Approach
1st Annual Rackham Interdisciplinary Workshop in Ancient Philosophy - 04/05/2020, Ann Arbor (MI, USA
Mediating Otherness: Encounters across Space and Time (16th to 19th Centuries) - 11/09/2020, Paris
CALL.17.04.2020: Mediating Otherness: Encounters across Space and Time (16th to 19th Centuries) - Pa
CALL. 30.09.2020: [PANEL 11] "Layout and Materiality of Writing in Ancient Documents from the
Rewriting the Trojan war: Troy in Myth and Matter - 06/03/2020, London (England)