The Aegean and the Levant at the Turn of the Bronze Age and the Iron Age - 27-28/09/2016, Warsaw (Po
CALL.30.05.2016: The Aegean and the Levant at the Turn of the Bronze Age and the Iron Age - Warsaw
Speaking in Absence: Letters in the Digital Age - 21/06/2016,Oxford (England)
CALL. 13.05.2016: Speaking in Absence: Letters in the Digital Age - Oxford (England)
Omero, Esiodo, Eschilo, Pindaro: forme e trasmissione dell'esegesi antica - 23-24-25/05/2016, Bo
II JDCCA: Temas y tendencias actuales de investigación - 20-21/10/2016, Zaragoza (Spain)
Sapiens Ubique Civis IV – 24-25-26-27/08/2016, Szeged (Hungary)
CALL. 22.05.2016: Sapiens Ubique Civis IV – Szeged (Hungary)
Hellenistic Literatures in Context - 09/04/2016, New York (USA)
Naturaleza divina, divina naturaleza- 11-12/03/2016, Logroño (Spain)