Reflections on language in early Greece - 01-02-03/09/2021, Online (Zoom)
CALL. 25.01.2021: Reflections on language in early Greece - Online (Zoom)
CALL.25.01.2021:[PANEL 2]Lessons Learned from Teaching During the Pandemic - San Francisco (CA, USA)
Convegno internazionale "Sub palliolo sordido. Studi sulla commedia frammentaria greca e latina
[POSTPONED] 15th Trends in Classics: "Labor imperfectus. Unfinished, Incomplete, Partial Texts...
CALL. 30.07.2020: Workshop "Idealization and Aesthetic Criteria in Early Greek Epic" - Onl
Workshop "Idealization and Aesthetic Criteria in Early Greek Epic" - 02/10/2020, 09/10/202
CALL. 30.07.2020: Workshop "Idealization and Aesthetic Criteria in Early Greek Epic" - Onl
XVI Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae - 29-30-31/08, 01-02/09/2022, Bordeaux
CALL. 30.03.2021: XVI Congressus Internationalis Epigraphiae Graecae et Latinae - Bordeaux (France)