Digital editing in the Classics - 25-26-27/09/2019, Munich (Germany)
Meaning between the lines: allegory and hermeneutics in Greek imperial and late antique literature -
CALL. 21.10.2019: Meaning between the lines: allegory and hermeneutics in Greek imperial and late an
CALL. 07.08.2019: [PANEL 1] "Regional Epigraphic Cultures across the Ancient Globe" (CA 20
Between γελοῖον and σπουδαῖον: Comic Traces on the Tragic Scene - 22-23/04/2020, Cassino (Italy)
CALL. 30.10.2019: Between γελοῖον and σπουδαῖον: Comic Traces on the Tragic Scene - Cassino (Italy)
Multilingualism and Minority Languages in Ancient Europe -26-27/06/2019, Roma (Italy)
IV Seminario Predoctoral de Estudios Clásicos - 05-06/09/2019, Valencia (Spain)
CALL. 22.07.2019: IV Seminario Predoctoral de Estudios Clásicos - Valencia (Spain)
La magia aggressiva nel mondo antico: testi, formule, lessico - 17/06/2019, Firenze (Italy)