10th Postgraduate Conference -01-02-03-04/10/2019, Athens (Greece)
CALL. 07.07.2019: 10th Postgraduate Conference - Athens (Greece)
In suum vertere. La traduzione nel mondo greco e romano - 09-10/05/2019, Bologna (Italy)
Primer Taller de Sintaxis Discursiva del Griego Antiguo - 23-24/05/2019, Sevilla (Spain)
Erasmus+ Conferences in Classics -06-09-13/05-10/06/2019, Kalamata (Greece)
Biblical Poetry: the Legacy of the Psalms in Late Antiquity and Byzantium [POSTPONED] - 23-24/04/202
CALL. 31.05.2019: Biblical Poetry: the Legacy of the Psalms in Late Antiquity and Byzantium - Ghent
Current Research on Greek Tablets in the British Library - 20/05/2019, London (England)
Platonic Mimesis Revisited - 02-03-04-05/05/2019, Tübingen (Germany)
Lexicographer: History of a Profession from Antiquity to the Present - 13/06/2019, München (Germany)